Monday 31 August 2009

In 3 weeks I will be leaving my stable semi-permanent job and going back to university to study Museum Studies. I've been working in the museum and heritage sector for two years in a specific area and, having decided that this is where I want to stay, would like to learn as much as I can about it: both the practical aspects of museum administration but also the theory and history of museology. I studied English Literature at university three years ago and have been missing the critical theory and discussion, and am really looking forward to throwing myself back into study.

I'll be using this blog to write my responses to the issues and ideas I come across, but it will be interspersed with other elements of my life: namely allotment gardening, politics, volunteering and anything else that comes to mind.

The Dorothea name and Middlemarch quotation refers to my tendency to sometimes be somewhat overwhelmed by things I read, watch and hear, but also my knowing that this isn't necessarily a bad thing, and that this feeling can hopefully be harnessed into something useful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dorothea - your plans sound most intriguing! I look forward to hearing more :)
