Sunday 27 May 2012

This blog's purpose seems to shift with whatever my focus is at the time. At this moment, since visiting the doctor and being told I am overweight, it is getting fit. I am 5' 5" and 168 kg which makes my BMI 25 - on the borderline between healthy and overweight. This was quite a shock as I have always been skinny and now I'm .. not. Which is mainly the result of being happy and not worrying the weight off, but also of not doing enough exercise.

So! I am trying to eat more healthily (brown rice! fruit! no cheese!) and am doing Yogalates and the NHS Couch to 5k running programme. I just got back from first run (20 minutes of walking 90 second and running 60) and I look like a beetroot. For some reason only my face goes red when I run. Neck - white as a swan, face - red as a turkey's. It doesn't help that today is beautiful and sunny, so the park was full of families BBQing and topless, drinking men. I get rather self-conscious about exercising in public, which is something I am going to have to overcome, unless I stick to yoga in my living room.

But I managed, though maybe my 90 second walks weren't as energetic as they should have been. I found the podcast useful, rather than having to check my watch all the time, but I think I'm going to be sick of the same music for the rest of the week. There is an app available that gives you prompts over the top of your own music, which I would much prefer if I had an iPhone. My walking home music consisted of Helen Reddy - I am Woman, Christina Aguilera - Fighter and some Get up Kids, and I think my next run will be motivated by Bruce Springsteen.

Has anyone else done this programme? How did you find it?